Overview of customer satisfaction references using ZTI Communications products in more than 50 countries.
Telecom Operators
Telstra (Australia), Bell Canada (Canada), Telefonica del Sur (Chile), Sonera Networks (Finland), Equant, Orange (France), OPT (French Polynesia), Deutsche Telekom, T-DATA, DeTeSat (Germany), OTE (Greece), Reliance Infocom (India), Telecom Italia (Italy), Easynet, NTT (Japan and Europe), Marcatel (Mexico), Telenor (Norway), Telefonica de Espana (Spain), Telia (Sweden), Equant, Orange (Switzerland), Shin Satellite (Thailand), KPN Telecom, Volker Stevin Telecom (The Netherlands), BT, Global Crossing, NTL, Tiscali (UK), AT&T, Comtech Vipersat Networks, Road Runner (Time Warner Cable), Qwest, Verizon (USA), and more…
Ascom (Belgium), Alcatel, Ericsson, Marconi (Europe), Nokia (Finland, Taiwan), Alcatel, EADS, Skyworks, Tekelec (France), EADS Telecom, Siemens (Germany & Austria), Alcatel (India), Avaya (Israel), Hitachi, NEC (Japan), Xerox (UK), Cisco, Juniper, Lucent, Motorola, UTStarcom (USA), Nortel Networks (North America and Europe), Philips (Europe & USA), and more …
Other Companies & Public Services
Allcom Networks, ANZ Bank, BAE Systems, Department of Defense, Qantas Airways, QBE Insurance International, Snowy Hydro (Australia), Fortis Bank, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals (Belgium), Banco ABN Amro (Brazil), Department of Transportation, Communication Security Establisment, Maverick Tube, Pika Technologies (Canada), Verytel (Colombia), Damovo (Czech Republic), Globeteam, Kontron, Unisys (Denmark), Digita OY (Finland), Aeta.com, Alcatel Space, CELAR, Digifrance, French Space Agency, Ministry for Defense, Perform, Praxis, SANEF, Sequans, SEW-USOCOME, SNCF, Sycomore, TF1, Thales Communications, Total (France), Amadeus Data processing, Controlware, Datalog, German Army, ND Satcom, N.runs (Germany), Intracom (Greece), ISC (Iran), Ulster Bank (Ireland), Amdocs, Scopus Network Technologies (Israel), Amtec, Datamat, SKY TV (Italy), Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Denso Corp., Iwatsu, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute, Mutsumi, Polycom, Toshiba (Japan), Latvijas Unibanka (Latvia), Dimension Data (Luxemburg), Panasonic R&D, VADS Berhad (Malaysia), EDS (New Zealand), Cumulus IT, Data Equipment AS, Norwegian Defence communication Agency, Thales Communications (Norway), LANservice (Poland), Estado Maior General das Forcas Armadas (Portugal), MVS GT (Russia), Aramco (Saudi Arabia), GNG Networks (South Korea), Gas Natural, Madritel (Spain), ABB, Aerotechtelub, Global IP Sound, WideScience, Citylink AB (Sweden), Hilti, Novartis (Switzerland), Gitel, Esity (Taiwan), ATOS Origin, ING, Logicsoft Group, Thales, Tribase (The Netherlands), Affinity, Alstom, BAE Systems, Detica, Elsevier Science, Grey Matter, Kingston, KPMG, Logica, Patapsco, PriceWaterHouse, Psytechnics, Serco Home Affairs, Sitel Europe, Syntegra, Vocality, Vokhus, Westell (UK), AAE Systems, Alliant Energy, Applix, Arizona Public Service, Arrowhead Global Solutions, Aveir, Bloomberg, BMW, Broadwing Communications, Cable AML, Commtech Wireless, Current Technologies, Department of Transportation (CA), Edgewater Networks, EMC2, iDirect, Honeywell, Imed Link, Impsat, Internal Revenue Service, Into Networks, Kern County, Kor Electronics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Maverick Tube Corp., Measurement Computing Corp., Memorylink, Mitretek Systems, NetScout Systems, NIST, Novartis, Path1 Network Tech., Pinnacle West, Pleiades Communications, Raytheon, Reuters, Sitara Networks, Schlumberger, Software Productivity Consortium, Syndeo, Telecommunication Systems, Tropos Networks, UnumProvident, US Army (Fort Detrick, Camp Murray), US Department of Justice (Washington), US Navy (SPAWAR San Diego), US Securities Commission, Viack Corp., Veridian, WebMD Corp., WL Gore, Worknet Communications (USA), and more…
Universities & High Schools
University of Western Sydney, University of Technology Sydney (Australia) , University of Ottawa, University of Calgary, University of Western Ontario (Canada), International Institute of Information Technology (India), Espoo-Vantaa Institute of Technology, Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia, University of Jyväskylä (Finland), ENIC, ENST, Limoges, Supelec, University of Tours (France), Berlin, Institute of Communications Acoustics (Germany), Queens University of Belfast (Ireland), Bologna (Italy), Chiba, Yokohama, Keio (Japan), Curtin University of Technology (Malaysia), University of Canterbury (New Zealand), Wroclaw University (Poland), Korea University (South Korea), EIVD (Switzerland), UAE University (United Arab Emirates), Oxford Brookes University, University of Nottingham (UK), John Hopkins University, Montana State University, NC State University, University of Pennsylvania (USA), and more…
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